This is the KCC 'Céad Míle Filthy Fáilte' in our community at our Gateway to Kerry, Kerry's Front Door where 2.5 mio annual visitors to Kerry pass each year and again as those visitors exit Kerry after holidaying in Kerry to experience Kerry's Pristine Tourism Product. That is FIVE '5' MILLION EXPERIENCES! And those experiences BEGIN AT GLOUNSHAROON where the first glimpse of Kerry's Fabulous Tourism Product is revealed in all its glory, as the majestic scenery of Kerry's unique Landscape is on display at The unique KSP Glounsharoon. (Updated 21/03/2024)  COMIC SECTION

Some one needs to inform the Local Authority: The Present Céad Míle Filthy Fáilte: KCC 'Welcome To Kerry’ at the Gateway to Kerry, Kerry's Front Door, at KSP Glounsharoon is not COOL !


As already stated, instead or belligerence and intransience to protect an archaic status quo, we feel that KCC time would be best spent addressing the issues at KSP Glounsharoon while in parallel seeking to progress the vast tourism & environment opportunities and potential that exist here.

But the KCC Ignores all of that to preserve the archaic status quo. Nobody tells the Local Authority what to do!

Those POSSIBILITIES and OPPORTUNITIES are VAST & EXCITING for Kerry, Including perhaps:

- The KSP should present as a clean, structured, and spacious amenity and the possibilities are vast, including perhaps:

- Relocate filthy, eyesore Yard/Depot/Dump away from the scenic amenity and integrate to create an Extended Scenic Platform, with FULL & uninterrupted panoramic scenic views across Kerry. Make Kerry PROUD not ASHAMED!

- Installation of an EV Charging Station for Rapid Charging EVs. Power lines exist overhead. Ideal Location to Recharge !

- Coffee & Information Kiosk …

- Rain Garden & Biodiversity Gardens - ideal location to promote Biodiversity, Pollinators, and a Rain Garden.

- Education Station for Schools/School Buses from ALL COUNTIES in Ireland – to explore Nature / Geography. You can see all the fabulous mountain Ranges, Bays etc from here!

- Night Observatory .. Kerry International Dark Skies: ‘’The Kerry Dark Sky Reserve is one of only three Gold Tier Reserves in the world. This is the highest tier …..’’

- Lighthouse (Replica – work with solar panels or small turbine… GREEN) – Historical lighthouse existed with lanterns to steer horsemen/ships in the old days. Glounsharoon was known as Lighthouse then.

- Circumference Limestone wall – Local Stone - 1 foot high wall -

- Add Interactive Electronic Info Signage with Historic & Local Tourism Information

- Diaspora Welcome Mat & Ancestral Gathering Attraction. Possible to see Kerry placename locations from KSP. Place a ‘Green’ Welcome Mat & Photo-Frame to allow visitors to take photographs and mark their location as KSP Glounsharoon to post on social media.

- Staging Post for Tourists, starting & ending point for tourists on holiday and that experience should be pleasant.

- Erect miniatures of what Kerry has to offer such as a replica of Skellig Michael etc …

Click Here:  We state again - over the years, many local councillors and the Mayor have also called on the KCC to stop desecrating Glounsharoon and relocate the ‘monstrosity’, filthy KCC yard away from Glounsharoon.

The Tourism Potential here is vast, and the Possibilities are endless. It would be fantastic if the KCC engaged to exploit those fabulous possibilities and opportunities for the benefit of Kerry and all of Ireland, instead of isolating and disrespecting a rural community group whose aims are well founded, including the progressive advancement of tourism, jobs and maintaining a clean green environment in our rural community while engaging with and involving our youth, in order to set for them a proper example they can follow and in so doing to help influence our future leaders to set better standards for the future: CLICK HERE: SET A PROPER EXAMPLE


Bertie Ahern Renews his Acquaintance with Restful, Scenic Glounsharoon

We are all on the one and same team here. All for one, one for all and ALL for Kerry!


Heavy Machinery & Muck Feb2022

Heavy Machinery & Muck Jan 2022

Government & Local Authority ECOCIDE!
It is time now for the Kerry County Council (KCC) to RELOCATE this Filthy, Horrendous, Eyesore KCC Local Authority Materials Yard from adjacent to this unique TOURISM HOTSPOT & Majestic Kerry Scenic Platform (KSP) at Glounsharoon and to merge both sites and properly develop what is a fantastic Scenic Platform with enormous opportunities and vast tourism potential. KCC Website promotes a disjointed Kerry Tourism Policy and the KCC shameful 'Actions' here at the KSP Glounsharoon are in sharp contrast and conflict with their own Tourism Policies regarding what the KCC pontificates and publishes on it's website. KCC lacks a coherent, honest, universal, modern and consistent KCC Tourism STRATEGY.
Government & Local Authority ECOCIDE!
KCC Environmental Awareness Score at KSP Glounsharoon is ZERO. 

Shocking and Unacceptable behaviour! What the KCC perpetrates at KSP Glounsharoon is a NATIONAL TRAVESTY and in TOTAL HYPOCRISY & CONTRADICTION to their own policies as outlined on THEIR KCC Website. The Ahaneboy Community Group (ACG) Members live here.

EXTRACT KCC WEBSITE - The vision set out in the strategy is “to maximise, in a sustainable manner, tourism’s contribution to the quality of life, economy, employment and local community development, paying particular attention to nurturing and protecting the natural, built, cultural and linguistic heritage of the county.”   Joan McCarthy of Kerry County Council’s Tourism Unit said: “The Tourism Strategy which forms an integral part of Kerry County Council’s Local Economic and Community Plan 2016-2022, is a living document that will respond to new challenges, changing market trends and consumer behaviour and will be reviewed and updated annually.”

Check The Real Hypocrisy on The KCC Website HERE

Majestic Glounsharoon, at the Gateway to the Kingdom and Kerry's Front Door is no place for a Horrendous, Filthy, Eyesore KCC Materials Yard/Dump adjacent to the fabulous KSP.
Kerry Must Do Better!!

2015: ELECTED Councillors & Lord Mayor 'INSIST' on REMOVAL of KCC DEPOT 'MONSTROSITY' at Scenic Spot

MON, 14 DEC, 2015 - ANNE LUCEY
Dooneen, in Gleansharoon, at the entrance to Kerry, on the N21, is the valley of the secrets. From the valley underneath, Glean Seathrúin gives out no inkling of its sweeping views. High over the entrance to Castleisland, it allows the eye to extend across Kerry to Tralee Bay, to the west, and the MacGillicuddy’s Reeks and the Gap of Dunloe. However, “a monstrosity” of a county council depot has been placed at the beauty spot.
CLICK Here For this Great Article by Anne Lucey.

ELECTED Kerry Councillors & Killarney Mayor 'INSIST' on REMOVAL of 'MONSTROSITY' at SCENIC SPOT!!!
Article Extract:
High over the entrance to Castleisland, it allows the eye to extend across Kerry to Tralee Bay, to the west, and the MacGillicuddy’s Reeks and the Gap of Dunloe.

However, “a monstrosity” of a county council depot has been placed at the beauty spot. Two separate motions came before a meeting of Killarney Area Municipal, which incorporates Gleansharoon and Castleisland. “It is grossly irresponsible of a local authority to locate a council yard at this panoramic location,” said Cllr Bobby O’Connell (FG), mayor of Killarney. “To add insult to injury, the depot serves the Tralee area, not Killarney. We pride ourselves as a tourist county. There is plenty of bog and forestry where this depot can be located,” he said.
He said if an individual applied for planning at the area, they would “be laughed out of it. I’m not calling, I’m insisting this be removed,” he said.
CLICK Here For this Great Article by Anne Lucey.



Kerry Scenic Platform (KSP) Glounsharoon - A Tourism HotSpot !

Heavy Machinery & Muck Jan 2022

Just like fabulous Killarney and Kenmare have achieved, a successful tourism product is an extensive diverse offering – but includes creating a wholesome feel good factor with as little negative factors as possible to impinge upon that – It is the sum of the parts. The Kerry Scenic Platform at Glounsharoon is a sum in those parts in the Kerry Tourism Product Offering – This unique landmark is perfectly located at The Gateway to The Kingdom of Kerry, Kerry’s Front Door. On a perfectly elevated site, Nature carved this Scenic Platform at Glounsharoon, a unique Godsend with Majestic Panoramic Views of Kerry.  There at Glounsharoon, at the entrance and exit to Kerry, it is even more important to create and to harness a lasting impression of what Kerry has to offer, as visitors enter and leave the Kingdom of Kerry on their holidays here.

SHAME SHAME : What the KCC has done at Glounsharoon is a NATIONAL SCANDAL and an ABSOLUTE DISGRACE. Background, Read More: Click HERE 

In December 2021, The Kerry Scenic Platform at Glounsharoon received basic, urgent remedial works to resurface the site and add an info sign with a table an some seating planned. All at a cost of €80,000 to the Kerry Taxpayer. Funds sourced through the trojan work of the Castleisland Chamber Alliance and the excellent and exceptional skill of its Chairperson Michael John Kearney (MJK). All maintenance work is good news of course. However, already the KCC are destroying the lovely new carpet of tarmacadam as the heavy machinery, lorries and JCBs trek across the new tarmac and continue to access the adjacent KCC yard via the Scenic Platform route and in so doing, the KCC machinery leave trails or muck and destruction in the aftermath. Refer Images Here. The KCC are destroying Glounsharoon again. This KCC Yard is a blight on the Environment and a conflict and absolute contradiction to our Kerry Tourism Policy.


Background: KCC and The Kerry Scenic Platform at Glounsharoon: A NATIONAL SCANDAL.

Recently The Kerry Scenic Platform at Glounsharoon has received basic, urgent remedial works to resurface the site and add an info sign and a table and chairs - BUT for years Glounsharoon has been in a terrible, dilapidated and neglected state, with the KCC refusing to take basic remedial maintenance action to make this Tourist attraction suitably presentable to our 2.5 Mio annual visitors to Kerry so that the Castleisland Community and Kerry will benefit accordingly from this WORLD CLASS Tourism Attraction.  There at Glounsharoon, a horrid and unsightly KCC Council Materials Yard cohabits alongside the Scenic Resource and obscures the majestic panoramic view that Glounsharoon has to offer. Why does the KCC cohabit an eye sore KCC Council Yard (A Dump) at the same site as a Majestic Scenic Platform at Glounsharoon, at the Gateway to Kerry, Kerry’s Front Door where 2.5 Mio visitors pass each year.?
This is the first impression for those 2.5 Mio visitors to Kerry, The Kerry Hello, Kerry's BIG INVITE – A KCC DUMP! CRAZY!! First impressions matter.


We have this Incredible Resource at our Front Door. Glounsharoon now needs a clear strategic outlook from here. A CLEAR & LIVING PLAN 2022++, a Medium to Long Term Strategic Plan to harness the as-yet untapped unique and enormous potential. Glounsharoon Scenic Platform no place to cohabit a Council Yard/DUMP in today’s world. Good to see Council Elected Representatives in unison. Way forward & well done. Need our elected representatives to now capture the vision and real potential and push forward to develop Glounsharoon properly and open this fantastic resource to the world.
Excellent work: Michael John Kearney (Castleisland Chamber Alliance), John Reidy MVP and Michael Ahern Kerry's Eye . Also Bertie Ahern, WP Bill O'Leary , Jacki Lyden, NZ Peter O'Connor et all who quietly in the background, do their bit & continue to promote and advance Glounsharoon to a wider audience.
A bit done, LOADS to do! Maine Valley Post Article Read it Click HERE 

Madam President: Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission.

Thank You Madam President Von Der Leyen! We will keep you posted as requested.

Con Houlihan wrote about Glounsharoon:
''From there you are looking at The Heart Of The Kingdom. Bertie Ahern once said to me that it was his favourite view, the best view in the world''

Glounsharoon: A World Class Resource!

An Taoiseach Mr Ahern & President Clinton

Kerry’s Scenic Platform at Glounsharoon is situated in the townland of Ahaneboy on the N21, approximately 15km from Abbeyfeale and 5km to the North side of Castleisland town. On the perfect elevated site, the Glounsharoon Platform is strategically located at the Gateway to Kerry and at Castleisland's Front Door. It’s ideal location provides a truly majestic and panoramic view of most of County Kerry. At this truly amazing Scenic spot, Glounsharoon' s unique vista opens up and explodes before you, to reveal a landscape that simply takes your breath away.

Bill O'Leary Staff Photographer- Washington Post.

Nature Carved The Kerry Scenic Platform at Glounsharoon,
This is Glounsharoon, Heaven on Earth!

The vista at Glounsharoon is indeed unique, capturing all of Kerry’s mountain ranges, including The Reeks, The Iveragh Peninsula, Slieve-Mish & Brandon’s peak on the Dingle Peninsula and the mighty Carrauntoohil and her sister peaks as well as all of the fabulous ‘little’ peaks on the horizon and the Gap of Dunloe. You can see the Atlantic Ocean, Inch Bay, Castlemaine Bay, Dingle Bay, Cromane Bay and Kells Bay and you get a heavenly view of the Belly of Kerry. Truly awesome and spectacular scenery, unique to the Glounsharoon Platform.

Approximately 2.5m tourists visit Kerry annually. Most visitors to Kerry pass through this Gateway to Kerry at Glounsharoon and in particular for those tourists visiting Kerry, this Glounsharoon Scenic Platform at Castleisland is the first impression they get regarding what Kerry has to offer. And you know what they say, First Impressions Matter!

Con, By Mark Baker

Con Houlihan grew up near Glounsharoon and was 'steeped' and 'reared-in-it’ and loved it and it showed in the way he wrote extensively and affectionately about it.

When thinking of Glounsharoon and the surrounding countryside, Con Houlihan said; ‘’It was a place where one can refresh the spirit and we all need such places’’. Con recalled D.H. Lawrence, the messages that rise from the depths of the earth, which we cannot articulate but that affect us profoundly. He often quoted the Greek poet Cavafy's line 'in these fields and streets where you grew up, there you will always live and there you will die’. He was all talk about the places around Glounsharoon in an embodiment of those lines. Con rests eternally as per his preference, in The Valley Of The Secrets, clearly visible from Glounsharoon. Extracts from 'Waiting For Houlihan'.

Portrait Image by Mark Baker. Con wrote about his love for Glounsharoon in many of his fabulous articles, Refer Irish Independent, Extracts here:

The Calls of Cattle Going to the Fair and of Town Criers:
 As you come from Limerick into Kerry, the road starts to rise at Headley's Bridge. After about three miles you reach the summit of the road in the townland of Gleannsharoon. Now you are looking down at a great valley ringed all around with hills and mountains. Geographers call it The Castle Island Gap: sensible people call it The Heart Of The Kingdom. Bertie Ahern says it is his favourite view in the whole world. 

The Common Fate of Turf and Man:
Our house was about three steps off the high road to Dublin and was hardly conducive to serious study -- or even comical study. People were always calling in: the men came to talk about football and politics and the weather; the women came to talk about hatching hens, the neighbours and the weather. The teapot was always on the hob and there was an apple cake lurking in the background. And so with a few sandwiches and a bottle of milk and a few books, not to mention three crazy terriers, I used to go to a favourite place. It was about two miles from the house and about 700 feet above the Atlantic -- which I could see on both sides of Slemish Mountain. Usually I brought enough scraps to keep the terriers happy -- but that wasn't always so. Some days at about 12 o'clock they would suddenly jump up and go off as if devils were chasing them. My mother was preparing rabbit or fish and my three unfaithful friends were determined to get their share. They usually came back about an hour later, looking very pleased with themselves. Some days the four of us would go a few miles further away -- to the summit of the road at Gleannsharoon -- about a thousand feet above the ocean. From there you are looking at The Heart Of The Kingdom. Bertie Ahern once said to me that it was his favourite of course to the sight of Fine Gael and Labour on the opposition benches.

Bertie Ahern looks forward to seeing it and speaks accordingly of it. He once said to Con Houlihan that Glounsharoon is his ''favourite view in the world''

Bertie Ahern

Con Houlihan wrote about Glounsharoon ''From there you are looking at The Heart Of The Kingdom. Bertie Ahern once said to me that it was his favourite view, the best view in the world'' Imagine That! Bertie Ahern said that Glounsharoon was his favourite view in the Whole Wide World!

''My thoughts on Glounsharoon:
Each time I travel the Road into the Kingdom of Kerry to spend precious time with family and nature,

I stop to view Glounsharoon.
I think of the Irish Poet and Scholar of John O’Donoghue where he speaks of the silence of landscape:

The silence of landscape conceals vast presence. Place is not simply location. A place is a profound individuality.
Its surface texture of grass and stone is blessed by rain, wind and light. With complete attention landscape celebrates the liturgy of the seasons, giving itself unreservedly to the passion of the goddess. The shape of a landscape is an ancient and silent form of consciousness. Mountains are huge contemplatives. Rivers and streams offer voice; they are the tears of the earth’s joy and despair. The earth is full of soul.”
Bertie Ahern,

Absolutely Beautiful! Thank You Mr. Ahern.

A proud aspiring 'Son of Kerry', Bertie Ahern is known to spend much of his holiday time in South West Kerry. Bertie Ahern invariably stops at Glounsharoon on his trips to Kerry to take in the fabulous Glounsharoon panoramic scenery. Around 1990, he wrote a fabulous piece in a National Newspaper about his times spent on holidays. His abiding memory above the rest was that incredible ‘Truly-Irish’ vista from Glounsharoon. In the article, Bertie Ahern said that this vista at Glounsharoon was in his opinion the best view anywhere in the world and it lingered in his minds-eye for ages afterwards. That is a great accolade for Glounsharoon.

Bill & Jacki

Bill O’Leary is a 2022 Pulitzer Prize Winner and Staff Photographer with the Washington Post, He and his wife *Jacki Lyden visit Kerry annually. The view from Glounsharoon ‘Takes our breath away’.
 ‘’That beautiful view of the Kingdom from Glounsharoon, constantly changing, the best view on planet earth''
Bill O'Leary is a world renowned Photographer.
Bill played a pivotal role as ‘The Post’ scooped the 2022 Pulitzer Gold Medal, the Pulitzer Prize for public service  The Top and most coveted Pulitzer Prize.
Bill has a lovely piece in the Maine Valley Post about Glounsharoon:
Click HERE: Bill O’Leary: From the Calm on Glounsharoon to the Chaos on Capitol Hill
*Jacki Lyden is a famous Author/Writer/Broadcaster.
In fact Jacki Lyden has the distinction of having her news organization, NPR NEWS, first reporter on the air from New York that dreadful day on September 11th 2001.

Peter O'Connor

Professor Peter O’Connor of Auckland University, New Zealand considers the Panoramic Scenery at Glounsharoon breath-taking and unique. Peter is a descendant of the first Castleisland All Black ‘Timmy Behane O’Connor’ from Kilcusnan. He has advised both the Department of Education in New Zealand and in Ireland. On trips to Ireland he always visits Kerry and his beloved Glounsharoon.
“The view from Glounsharoon is breath-taking and unique. We have such stunning views in New Zealand as well. But Glounsharoon is perfectly positioned to become an outstanding international tourist landmark. For those of us of the Kerry diaspora, nothing lets you know you are home more than that view.  It’s like the invitation mat has been laid out before you,’’ said Peter.
The GREEN Mat of Welcome at Glounsharoon is not 'So-Green' due to the KCC actions and inactions destroying this Majestic Landmark. 

TM O’Donovan: BOOK  A Popular History Of East Kerry by T.M. Donovan;
‘’…In the summer time he had a magnificent view from the Priest’s Tree, as it is called to the present day. The beautiful valley of the Maine spread itself out before him, and the circle of enclosing hills round by Crinna, Folye Pilip, and Croaghane; Slieve Mis, separating Dingle and Tralee Bays; and the Blue Reeks standing out so grandly in the south west. Father Maurice, even in heaven, must often think of the glorious landscape that would delight the heart of any Kerryman’’.

Kells Bay House & Gardens

Billy chats with the Queen.

GOLD for Kells!

''The Queen showed great interest in the ferns," he said. "She was curious as to where it came from, and I told her it came from Kells Bay, Kerry, where her grandmother, Queen Victoria once visited.'' ''Someday the Royal Household might well visit Kells Bay House & Gardens personally'' says Billy, who knows, ''Royalty may well stop off at Glounsharoon on the way!''
Read more:Independent Article on Kells Bay

Billy Alexander owns and manages Kells Bay House and Gardens. In a short spell, he has majestically transformed this 50-acre estate from a rhododendron overgrown ruins, into an established and well recognised unique Tourism attraction with a marvel garden filled with ferns and a world of unique plants.  Kells BH&G has become internationally recognised all over the world. Billy is a pteridologist, horticulturalist, and an expert in the propagation, growth and care of ferns. His garden displays are multiple Bloom Gold & RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival Flower Show Gold medal winner and RHS Chelsea Silver Gilt Medal winner 2018. Billy’s hard work and brilliant planning and approach has put Kells Bay on the world stage. Queen Elizabeth has taken a keen interest in Billy’s creation and work at Kells. Billy has just scooped GOLD at the RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show July 2021.  

Much of Billy’s time is spent on the road so he passes Glounsharoon frequently and upon returning to Kerry ''On a clear day you can see Kells Bay from there and I know I'm almost home''. It is a MUST according to Billy:

Billy with the King.

Kerry’s Front Door and the Gateway to the Kingdom must be properly presented and maintained. Billy says that Glounsharoon is no place for a Council Yard and he says that there is enormous Tourism potential at Glounsharoon, especially for Kerry, but also for all of Ireland. ''As with Kells, Glounsharoon is Unique''. He thinks, with ''proper forward thinking and vision, Kerry will create something incredible and special at Glounsharoon also.''  Kells Bay Gardens is now one of Europe's premier horticultural experiences, presenting a renowned collection of Tree-ferns and other exotic plants growing in its unique microclimate created by the Gulf Stream. It is the home of 'The SkyWalk' Ireland's longest rope-bridge. Kells Bay is one of Ireland’s most spectacular settings, and the scenery offers a wonderful backdrop to Kells Bay Gardens. Known locally as the ‘Jewel on the Ring,’ the Gardens cover just over 17 hectares, containing a large collection of sub-tropical plants. The Gardens overlook the dramatic views of Dingle Bay, and are filled with an enormous variety of rare sub-tropical plants. VISIT! Why do we have a 'DUMP' at the Gateway To Kerry! 
Address: Kells Bay House & Gardens, Kells, Cahersiveen, Co. Kerry, V23 EP48
Telephone: 066 947 7975  Email:

On TripAdvisor: Kells Bay House and Gardens has been open to visitors since the autumn of 2008. There you get one of the finest collections of southern hemisphere plants in Europe. The spectacular topography is complemented and enhanced by the exotic plants. The centrepiece Tree-fern Forest has attracted horticultural enthusiasts for decades and is comparable to similar forests in Tasmania. With its unique micro-climate and fantastic canopy, it provides an ethereal experience. There are plants there of every description from around the world. The Robinsonian gardening style combines with the variety and acclimatisation of the plants to give the visitor an experience of a lifetime! You MUST VISIT Kells!

Francis Brennan:

Francis Brennan

Francis Brennan is well known and adored in Kerry and in Ireland. He is an ambassador for Kerry and renowned for his attention to detail and his expertise in matters regarding Tourism and Hospitality. Francis and his brother John have created something sublime, unique and absolutely world class at the PARK HOTEL KENMARE. All of Kerry have something to be very proud of regarding what the Brennan’s have achieved in Kenmare.

Says it all! “One of the world’s most renowned hotels” – New York Times

On the tourism front, Francis is fully devoted and occupied at home in Kenmare, but he sees obvious tourism potential and incredible opportunities at the Kerry Scenic Platform at Glounsharoon. You will notice that the Front Door to the Park Hotel is maintained in a pristine state of presentation at all times. However, the Kerry Scenic Platform at Glounsharoon, located on the primary N21, at the Gateway to the Kingdom, Glounsharoon is in a constant dilapidated and neglected state. There at Glounsharoon, at Kerry’s FRONT DOOR, the KCC nonchalantly harbours a KCC Council Materials Yard (A Dump) alongside a majestic scenic resource. Absolutely CRAZY!

Relocating the Council Yard, incorporating that site into one MAJESTIC Scenic Platform and developing Glounsharoon is a fantastic and obvious step says Francis Brennan. The Kerry Scenic Platform at Glounsharoon is no place for a KCC Yard.

Pristine Entrance!

Majestic. No KCC YARD here!

‘’What a great idea for Glounsharoon!!
And I commend your initiative and foresight.
Good luck with the proposal''
Francis Brennan

Thank you, Francis.

Dating back to 1897, the PARK HOTEL KENMARE has long been regarded as one of the world’s most revered and inspirational luxury hotels. The Park Hotel Kenmare is set among established gardens which slope down to Kenmare Bay where heritage and luxury are combined in this fabulous and historic establishment. Just a two-minute stroll from the hotel there are a variety of boutiques, galleries, restaurants, and cafés to explore. Escape the frenzy of modern-day life and slip into life at Park Hotel Kenmare. Charming rooms to relax in, open fires, the Drawing Room, SAMAS Deluxe Destination Spa, 25m Lap Pool, Private Cinema, Tennis, Croquet, Falconry, Walks, Cycling, Golf on the adjacent 18 Hole Golf Course are just some of our pleasurable pastimes. The Dining Room offers sublime food featuring local producers, a Cocktail Bar featuring one of Europe’s largest whiskey collections and a Champagne Bar to celebrate and toast special occasions. Pay a VISIT to Francis!!.

Majestic Panoramic Scenery at Glounsharoon

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Shame: Council Materials Dump Located at Glounsharoon!

Council Materials Dump

As you approach Glounsharoon on the N21, north side - A Council Materials Dump obscures your Panoramic View .

Almost 2.5 million people visit Kerry annually.
Most of those visitors approach Kerry through this Gateway at Glounsharoon.
This will be their FIRST IMPRESSION of the Kerry Scenic Landscape.
Clear to see - their view is blocked-off by this Council Dump.
First Impressions Matter!
Why is there a Council Materials Dump located at The Glounsharoon Scenic Platform?

Relocate this Council Materials Dump. Imagine the Possibilities!

Glounsharoon Destroyed!

  • Wasteland

Glounsharoon Neglected & Dilapidated!

  • A Dead End For 40 Years!

Glounsharoon: An Abomination!

  • Shame SHAME

Glounsharoon In a Terrible State

  • Totally Disjointed Tourism Policies In Kerry!


If you have an opinion or comment regarding The Kerry Scenic Platform at Glounsharoon, Please contact us here.

Make contact by completing the Form below and press SEND .
We would love to hear from you. Thank you.

Absolutely Stunning & Beautiful New Viewing Platform at the Blasket Centre Kerry. Great picture by Dral Photography.
What Kerry Can Do! Smart Thinking, Vision, Proper Budgeting & Planning, Proper Communications & Community Buy-In and then RESULTS.

Below: Glounsharoon October 2020, 40 years later! COMIC SECTION
The Scenic Resource at Glounsharoon has been neglected over the years by the KCC. The majority of the 2.3 Million visitors to Kerry pass Glounsharoon each year on their way into Kerry. First Impressions Matter!

Glounsharoon Google Map.